Low Commitment

Announcements WebsiteIf a long-term commitment makes you a little antsy or a repeating schedule is not how you run your life, we still have opportunities for you to help. Throughout the year, we have a few large activities that are open for our community that require more manpower than usual. The 3rd of July Party and our Harvest Dinner, to name a few of them. We need people grilling hot dogs, policing the bounce house, scooping potatoes, or just taking the trash to the dumpster. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Still a little too scheduled? We also have opportunities to help people that pop up with no warning, or in some cases, nine months' warning. We need people to take dinners to new mamas or people who have just had surgery, help cook food for funeral dinners, or help load/unload a moving truck. Times when people really need people. We want to be there. 

  • 3rd of July Party
  • Harvest Dinner
  • Meal Trains
  • Funeral Dinners
  • Moving Help
  • Grounds and Maintenance


Volunteer Here


  • First Impressions

    First Impressions

    First Impressions You never get a second chance to make a first impression. And these volunteer positions are definitely our first impressions

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  • Student Ministries

    Student Ministries


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  • Manteno Kids

    Manteno Kids

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  • Community



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  • Worship and Tech

    Worship and Tech

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  • Low Commitment

    Low Commitment

    Announcements Website If a long-term commitment makes you a little antsy or a repeating schedule is not how you run your life,

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