Student Ministries


The Fuller Youth Institute, and others, say that every kid/young person greatly benefits from having five adults other than their parents invested in their lives, a 5:1 ratio. Five adults that know their story, understand their hearts, act as cheerleaders, and can be confidants. We want to give you the chance to be part of that 5.

Ever wondered what we do in the youth department? Well now is your chance to find out! We are always looking for those who feel they are called to serve students! Although we have an amazing team of people who give of their time to come and hang out, laugh, cry, pray, and lead students, but we would love to have even more people join our team. If you like to do fun things, laugh, pray, or serve behind the scenes, you will fit right in! 

Here are just some of the ways you can serve with or partner with Manteno Student Ministries:

RIOT – A once-a-month middle school hangout time where we eat pizza and play games! We always need leaders to be here and help during this time!

High School Hangout – A once-a-month high school get-together where we play board games, do homework, eat, or talk and laugh together. We need chill adults who would love to do any of those things with students.

Journey Groups – These are our small groups on Wednesday nights. Broken up into grade and gender we use these groups to grow closely together! We are looking for several adults who would assist our Journey Group leaders.

Transportation – We have several times a year where we travel to different events, including Celebrate Life, retreats, and various other smaller events. We can always use another driver or vehicle to help us with this!

  • Sunday Night Volunteer (7th-12th
  • Wednesday Night Volunteer (5th & 6th
  • Wednesday Night Journey Group Leader (7th-12th
  • Riot Sponsor (5th-8th
  • High School Hangout Sponsor (9th-12th
  • Driver 
  • General

Volunteer Here

  • First Impressions

    First Impressions

    First Impressions You never get a second chance to make a first impression. And these volunteer positions are definitely our first impressions

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  • Student Ministries

    Student Ministries


    The Fuller Youth Institute, and others, say that every kid/young person greatly benefits from having five adults other than their

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  • Manteno Kids

    Manteno Kids

    6 Manteno Kids provides a safe environment for children (birth to 4th grade) to have fun and grow in their relationship

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  • Community



    An article in the Standford Social Innovation Review by Chavis and Lee says that: "First and foremost, community is not

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  • Worship and Tech

    Worship and Tech

    8 The Worship Team leads us in worship and provides momentum for receiving the message each week. Our Worship Leader works

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  • Low Commitment

    Low Commitment

    Announcements Website If a long-term commitment makes you a little antsy or a repeating schedule is not how you run your life,

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